Social Science

Through studying the Social Sciences, students develop the skills to engage as effective and responsible members of society. They acquire the skills to critically examine what they learn and draw conclusions after assessing the evidence. Theoretical components taught in the class are matched with various real-life activities that relate theory to practice. Students develop their ability to fit into society as responsible members, thereby contributing to their personal growth and development.

The Social Sciences faculty provides challenging learning programmes that meet the individual educational needs of all students in an authentic and engaging manner. We encourage students to draw on their prior knowledge in order to acquire a clear understanding of local, national and global issues.

Through the Social Sciences students are offered not only a window into New Zealand but the world in which they live and will contribute to in the future. Students develop a global perspective over the years they study in the Social Sciences faculty developing a tolerance and appreciation of others and their viewpoints and can confidently discuss and debate a range of issues.

All year 9 and 10 students will study social studies. The subject is about people and how and why in different contexts they think, feel and act. It is about how they organise their way of life, interact with others and their environment, initiate and respond to change; and how they meet their political, social, economic, legal and spiritual needs.

Students will develop their inquiry skills to access information, interpret this information and communicate their findings using a range of technologies to do so.