13 HUB
Course Description
Teacher in Charge:
The Year 13 Learning Hub is a 3-part programme aimed at giving students an experience within their chosen trade and practical hands-on experience through a Gateway course. There is also a classroom theory component where a selection of Level 3 unit standards are studied, aimed at giving students a “real world” understanding that will assist them with life after school.
Students will attend a Level 3 Trades course aimed at preparing them for apprenticeships within their chosen trade. The Trades course also aims to give students both practical experience within that trade and can also reinforce their career choices. The number of credits available from the different trades programmes varies from 25 credits upwards.
The Gateway component is designed to give students a “workplace experience” within a local business organisation in their chosen trade. Here they can get an understanding of the day-to-day work life routine of their trades and also participate in the work life culture. There are units of work that are completed as part of the Gateway experience that contribute to their Level 3 qualification. Students can gain 14 Level 3 credits and 3 Level 2 credits by completing the health & safety in the workplace/first aid courses.
The in-classroom theory component of the course consists of 6 unit standards covering subjects such as career planning, employment relations, personal financial management and knowledge of a workplace. There are a total of 19 Level 3 credits available within the in-class block of the Year 13 Learning Hub programme.
Course Overview
Term 1
Career Planning and Employment Relations
● Exploring Career Options
● Investigating Career Pathways and Strategies
● Constraints on Career Development
● Identifying skills, qualifications and knowledge
● Navigating Employment relationships and the Law
● Personal Grievances
● Employment Contracts and Knowledge of a workplace
Term 2
Financial Planning
● Evaluating options to increase personal income
● Financial income vs outgoings and expenses
● Wage and salary deductions
● Budgeting for the future
● Investment advice
● Setting financial Goals
Term 3
Managing Debt
● Evaluate credit options
● Debt management strategies
● Buy now pay later (BNPL)
Term 4
Finalise outstanding assessments
Recommended Prior Learning
No prior learning required.
Entry is by interview and selection into a Futures Pathways course.
Assessment Information
There are 19 Level 3 credits available from the in-classroom component and 14 Level 3 credits & 3 Level 2 credits available by completing the health & safety in the workplace courses. The remainder of the credits are gained from the trades course.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Describe, from an employee perspective, ways of dealing with employment relationship problems
Plan a career pathway
Manage first aid in an emergency situation
This unit standard is delivered by an outside provider.
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Provide first aid
This unit standard is delivered by an outside provider.
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Provide basic life support
This unit standard is delivered by an outside provider.
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Demonstrate knowledge of the management of drug and alcohol-related problems in the workplace
This unit standard is delivered by an outside provider.
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Evaluate options to increase personal income
Evaluate credit options and select debt management strategies to manage personal finances
Develop a plan to show how a budget contributes to achieving a long-term personal financial goal
Apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role
This unit standard is delivered by an outside provider.
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Demonstrate knowledge of a specified workplace
It is the policy of Taupo-nui-a-Tia College to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.
Credits listed may change.