This course requires 2 options.

Year 10 French

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs C. Feuillade.

Students are encouraged to increase their ability to communicate both in oral and written everyday French situations. Students learn the differences and similarities between their own language(s) and French. They learn to give and receive information in French in a variety of topics, for example:

  • Shopping, asking and giving direction, talking about meals, buying drinks and food, talking about holiday, free time, home, clothes, music, TV
  • The cultural emphasis at this level focuses on food, sports, celebrations and Paris.
  • Students will make connection between the Polynesian culture in Tahiti and and the Māori culture.
  • Students will learn differences and similarities between their own culture and French-speaking cultures

Recommended Prior Learning

It is highly recommended that students have studied French in Year 9. If not, they will need to work harder at the beginning of the year to reach the level expected.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1 Exercise Books (1B5), Coloured pencils, Blue & Black pens, Glue stick


Career Pathways


It is the policy of Taupo-nui-a-Tia College to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.

Credits listed may change.