Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Barlow.
Recommended Prior LearningBe recommended by your Year 11 Physical Education teacher. If you have not taken this subject at Year 11, then entry at the discretion of the Head of Faculty.
This course is 100% internally assessed through Achievement Standards and made up of both theory and practical components. The course builds on the basic concepts covered in Level 1 such as functional anatomy, motor skills, bio-mechanics and principles and methods of training.
It also include turbo touch and European Handball as part of the performance standard.
Leadership strategies are also developed through working with a younger group of students here at school and/or camp in term one.
A student will be withdrawn from a standard if the teacher is not confident that the achievement of the standard is within the reach of the student or there is no evidence of the student attempting the assessment.
Please be aware that student can only choose 2 courses from Health and Physical Education. These include: Health, Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and Outdoor Education.
Term 1
Students will study a various leadership strategies and analyse the effectiveness of these both in the classroom and in a practical context. Students will be expected to apply these to both a one off lesson and a 2 day Camp held over at Papamoa Beach. Student will finally critical evaluate the success of their chosen strategies based on the effective functioning of their group.
As part of their Performance standard, they will start to overlap this standard with the previous, giving them an opportunity to participate in “tasters” of each sport offered to allow them to make an informed decision on this standard next term.
Term 2
Students will develop their own training program through the use of a variety of biophysical principles. Having the freedom to train independently motivated the students enabling them to train off-site and therefore demonstrating their understanding through their own personal experiences. Seeing improvements in their fitness levels and with specific examples from their own experience, supports them to evaluate the effectiveness of their program and discuss changes/modifications they could make to improve their training.
Students will continue to develop their individual skills through their chosen sport from Term 1. Through a range of drills and practices students will start to form ideas of their performance and begin to self and peer assess.
Term 3
Student will demonstrate an understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills. Through biomechanical principles and their understand of anatomy and physiology student will look to improve on a chosen skill.
Students will complete their performance standard with a final performance. Grading is based on self, peer and teacher assessment. Students will need to consistently demonstrate elements and skills of the chosen activity to enable full participation.
Term 4
The final standard will be completed this term. Social responsibility must be demonstrated and evidence will be collected over a period of time. This will allow for valid and fair judgements to be made when determining the consistency and level of demonstration.
Evidence could include detailed recording sheets, observational notes, and marked checklists.
Final grades should be based on teacher observations of each student’s performance level. The teacher will also use self and peer observation sheets as additional evidence to support their decisions.
NCEA Level 3 Physical Education, NCEA Level 3 Sport and Recreation
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryIt is recommended that students purchase the student workbook $10.
Extra costs include: Transport costs for activities; leadership camp (approximately $130).
It is the policy of Taupo-nui-a-Tia College to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.
Credits listed may change.