Taupo-nui-a-Tia College Taupo-nui-a-Tia College

NCEA Level 2 Music

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Recommended Prior Learning

The minimum of 10 credits across performance and composition, or auditions may be required for confirmation of entry requirements. Music literacy credits are required from Level 1 for some Level 2 standards. We encourage students to take 20 credits that work toward extending their strengths and building new pathways.

This course builds on the skills of performance and composition developed to a competent level from Level 1. Instrumentation and score reading, will be developed to a competent level. Students will be encouraged to perform at organised events such as the New Zealand Chamber Music Festival or the Rock Quest Competition.

Learning and assessment activities are based around the four strands from the Arts Curriculum document:

  • Developing practical knowledge in music (theory, score reading)
  • Developing ideas in music (composing music)
  • Communicating and interpreting in music (listen to, read and play music)
  • Understand music in context (developing knowledge and understanding of a variety of music styles both past and present)

Music technology is offered across 3 standards, which build on one another. An electronics standard where students create a guitar pedal is new at this level and encourages students to apply different forms of knowledge in a music context. Another new standard is the psychology of addiction and how it pertains to musicians in a performance context.

Please Note – While students have the opportunity to further their own interests in music, this course has a set programme of teaching and learning based on the curriculum. Each year a course is designed to allow all students in the class to access at least 14 credits and a subject endorsement through two external papers.

Psychology as a full year course is offered as part of music at this level. This leads onto Level 3 Psychology. Students learn about the approaches to psychology and look at the psychology of addiction as it related to music and performance. Additionally students look at psychological research, ethics and examine the different fields of psychology. 

Special Conditions:

  • As part of the performance requirements for assessment, students need to continue with their course of instrumental tuition on their performance instrument throughout the year (either privately or via the college). It is recommended that lessons be on an individual basis for at least ½ hour per week. Extra charges may apply in some cases.
  • Students must be prepared to take part in performance opportunities
  • Music technology is offered to students who have completed levels 1 tech standards
  • It is expected that students will attend scheduled lessons with their tutor and non-attendance for unjustified reasons may result in the student losing this opportunity



Assessment Policy & Procedures
Assessment Information

A student will be withdrawn from a standard if the teacher is not confident that the achievement of the standard is within the reach of the student or there is no evidence of the student attempting the assessment.


NCEA Level 3 Music

Students can follow a practical music path which leads to a degree or diploma in Contemporary Music at a tertiary level. OR
Students can follow a practical and theoretical path which leads to a degree in Classical, Jazz or Composition at university. OR
Students can take music technology leading a career in Sound Engineering, Recording or Studio work.

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Ring Binder, A4 Refill (14B8), 14M5 refill (A4 manuscript paper) 2B pencil, workbook (handed out in class $15), own headphones (optional but recommended)
Drummer – drumsticks
Guitar – guitar pic/capo/tuner
An iPad or MacBook is recommended for this course, particularly if the student is taking music technology


It is the policy of Taupo-nui-a-Tia College to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.

Credits listed may change.