
Year 10 English

Course Description

This is a full year course building on the students' prior learning in Year 9.

Year 10 students follow a course which integrates the English curriculum strands of Reading, Writing, Oral language and Visual language. Students will continue to develop their skills across these strands by completing a wide range of activities and assignments. The course will be adapted to meet the learning needs of the students. There is a strong on focus on student progression from their current curriculum level towards level 6. 

Course Overview

Term 1
Big Idea 1
Write meaningful texts for difference purposes and audience:
To Entertain, To Describe

Big Idea 2
Use language conventions:
Revision of Year 9 language plus assonance, extended metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism, irony

Term 2
Big Idea 1
Write meaningful texts for difference purposes and audience:
To Inform (respond), To explain

Big Idea 2
Use language conventions:
Unbiased, exact language, adverbs, conjunctions of time, cause and effect language

Term 3
Big Idea 1
Write meaningful texts for difference purposes and audience:
To Persuade / Provoke

Big Idea 2
Use language conventions:
Appeal: personal pronouns, Formal language, Opposition, Rhetorical Qu / reasons, Evidence, Strong voice / sentences, Tense: present

Term 4
Big Idea 1
Write meaningful texts for difference purposes and audience:
To Reflect- TED talks, Growth mindset, Letter to Year 11 teacher (strengths)

Big Idea 2
Use language conventions:
Formal language

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

2 Exercise Books (1B5)


The literacy, communication skills, collaboration and critical thinking developed in Year 10 English are important for all future learning and pathways.


It is the policy of Taupo-nui-a-Tia College to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.

Credits listed may change.